Researchers and healthcare professionals

In this section, you’ll find tools, resources and guidance to support researchers and health and care professionals in promoting and using our services.

Information for researchers

Our service is designed to make it easier for researchers and potential study participants to find each other. Find out more about how we support researchers.

We explain how our study listing works and how our UK-wide volunteer registry can help you recruit to your study

Information for health and care professionals

Be Part of Research provides up-to-date information about health and care research taking place across the UK. 

Find out how you can use our website to find suitable research studies for your patients, or empower them to explore opportunities in their own time. 


Want to encourage participation in research? On this page you’ll find a range of resources and materials to raise awareness and help promote Be Part of Research.

We’ve also developed a widget that can be used on your website, blog or other digital space. Any site promoting involvement in health and care research can use the widget by following these instructions for web developers